【DELI BALIのおすすめ動画】
【危険生物】海のギャング!巨大活ウツボ料理の作り方!職人技 日本 紀州 銀ちろ The Sea Gang(Moray Eel) Cuisine Japanese Style! Japan food!
【職人技】トラフグのさばき方 Cutting of Fugu 京都祇園 山福 Blowfish (Puffer fish) Full Course Menu at Kyoto Japan!
【稀少】鯉の捌き方&鯉料理専門店フルコースの作り方!職人技 日本 京屋鯉清水 Cutting skill of Carp&Traditional Koi Cuisine in Japan!
【高級魚】天然活き鮃のボルケーノソース刺身の作り方!職人技 日本 K’s kitchen 神戸 How to cook natural live Japanese flounder sashimi!
築地銀だこ 焼き方が凄いたこ焼き職人【職人芸2020】The art of Takoyaki making! GINDACO god’s skill in Japan!
世界一のチョコレート作り密着!一流ショコラティエの職人技!ココ京都 Making the world’s best chocolate! COCO Kyoto’s chocolatier!
【至宝】日本一のうなぎ&鯉料理「逢坂山かねよ」降臨!日本 職人技 さばき方 Calling of the No.1 Eel in Japan&Carp Cuisine “Kaneyo”
【尊き】日本の手作り学校給食 feat. 小学一年生の今!ASMR 職人技 大阪 和泉市 Japan’s handmade school lunch and today’s students 2021
【傑作選】日本のレベチ過ぎる職人技&ASMR料理動画まとめ2020!The art of master chefs skill&real sound by DELI BALI Kyoto Japan!
【超高級】美味しんぼ第3巻「究極のすっぽん料理」に密着!京都 大市 職人技 The Ultimate Suppon(Soft-shelled turtle)Cuisine “Daiichi”
一流フレンチにも引けを取らない究極の美意識というか 素晴らしく華やかな盛り付けに 和の技巧を凝らした料理の数々。極上ってやつだな
Glad youre back doing videos again! Sushi restaurants next, please. Love from philippines
Какая эстетика и красота! Пожалуй пойду сварю себе кастрюльку пельменей))
Habilidade é incrível
The presentation and preparations are amazing.
In Mexico we call the filled crab “Jaiba rellena”@ and it’s popular in Tampico, Tamaulipas and its not an expensive dish
Unluckily I cannot eat crab because of an allergy……………but this looks very appetizing!
Where can I find this restaurant??? I want to go there 😍😍
Que bonito 🤤
Nice to see a video where the Chef actually dispatches the animal before cutting it up. I stumbled onto some videos of shrimp and squid preparation in Japan and I couldn’t decide if they were trying to eat the creature, of just make it suffer as much as it could before it’s death. I wonder how long that knife can keep it’s edge. Looks very sharp, but man what a beating it is taking.
There is an art to preparing this and an art to eating it….takes one to another level of cuisine!!!
다니던 직장도 그만두고 요리를 다음세대에 남기기위해 고군분투 하고 계시다는 것이 대단합니다
그나저나 꽃게구이가 정말 맛있어 보이는데 일본에 가야지 먹을 수 있다니..
good smell video👍🏼
Thailand we call this crab “Pooe Marh” “ปูม้า”. We often stream them and eat with seafood sauce.
Nice Preparing and Presentation of this crab and the price of 200€ for this Menü 👌
멋지네요. 장인의 숙련된 솜씨 최고입니다
제가 꽃게 킬러인데 저렇게 꽃게를 정성스레 요리하는게 대단하다 느낍니다,,, 한 수 배우고싶네요
제가 꽃게 킬러인데 저렇게 꽃게를 정성스레 요리하는게 대단하다 느낍니다,,, 한 수 배우고싶네요
Încroyable maîtrise dans la délicatesse ! ( je ne sais pas si le crabe pense la même chose mais c’est un peu tard pour lui demander son avis…) il me manque l’odeur et le goût…Bravo!👍🙏 un fan français 🇫🇷
Как я хочу в Японию!!! Считаю, что сасими и суси самые полезные блюда в мире!!!
This is pure art, wonderful and relaxing
No Brasil somente em regiões litorâneas há abundância de caranguejos. Infelizmente moro no interior com alimentação de carnes de bovinos e suínos também em massas, arroz e feijão identificando com a italiana pois minha região é na maioria de descendentes italianos, assim eram meus avós. Grande trabalho. Parabéns.
Wow he cooked it beautifully
Edit:wow amazing
Es war schön sehen zu dürfen wie der Meister Arbeit .Die Teller sind schön dekoriert und das Essen sieht super delikat aus❤
Это настоящее искусство ☀️