【ENG】我的每日便当 My lunchbox 料理音|香菇炖鸡与黑胡椒小蕃茄便当 Vol.29 Braised chicken stew, tomatoes with cheese crackers


*Please click c.c for English subtitles.

Hello everyone, today’s lunch-box menu:

* 香菇炖鸡(剩菜)braised chicken & mushroom stew (leftover dish)
* 煎蛋卷 Egg roll
* 黑胡椒小番茄配芝士饼 Black pepper cherry tomatoes with cheese crackers (maybe good idea for party food!)
* 胡萝卜肉丁青豆饭 carrots, sausage cube, and green peas rice

Thank you for watching and commenting.

BuGuMi – Soul Hiphop Music _ Blue City / Chiro
(* I don’t own any copyright to above song.)

喜欢做便当的我会持续更新!: )
Hello everyone! I will keep updating my bento making series, please don’t forget to subscribe.

※我的微博 @snowenn https://www.weibo.com/xuewen123


f y

That looked so delicious! It puts a smile on my face! 😁

P.S. You don’t have to record yourself eating if you don’t want to! We don’t want you getting in trouble in any way. ❤️

Moaz Afzal

Always love seeing your stuff pop up in my subscriptions! Your videos are great, gives me something to watch while I study for exams so thank you.

Vanessa Realrose

I can barely get a piece of toast together in the morning let alone a cooked meal for lunch. Truly amazing!

Qianru Yang


Charity Dutton

The best vlog ever and another new video
Makes my week!
Gives me something to savour and look forward to.
I have other daily life, food vlogs but yours is the best!



Amber Tweed

Thanks for the inspiration! I’ve been packing a mini version of your videos for my kids school lunches. Their teachers have all said how delicious they look!

Becky London 베키 런던

After I watch your videos I always have every intention of making a great packed lunch for work for the next day. Then the morning comes…😂😂😂… Love you videos by the way! I vlog my daily work and life here in London and vlogging the food clips are my favourite! It’s so interesting seeing what other people or how they prepare their meals! Thank you for sharing! ❤️❤️❤️

Aubrey Morgan

I’ve come to really love and apricate bento…such a little box and its like..no you can’t fit enough food in there. Then we manage to put in so much there will be left overs for a snack when you get home from work.


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