動画撮影協力:「紀州の味処 銀ちろ」
【DELI BALIのおすすめ動画】
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Holy hell I hope it eats good.
Nice idea for Christmas dinner!
Good video
Ikejime is the name of this technique! Thank you for sharing this knowledge! So many techniques and amazing stories in cooking.
God damn I hope it tests good
i was on PH and miss clicked and switched to youtube. i got this as the 1st thing. WHY
잉? 신경죽이는 타이밍이 뭔가 이상한데
11:10 からかわいいw
That eel was pretty chill for being captured and getting cut
Yer üzündə ən vəhşi yırtıcı insandır ! Nəfsini təmin etmək üçün digər bir canlının canını ləzzətlə alan yırtıcı .
great vid, looks so yummy
곰치가 아나콘다 같누
ไม่ชอบเลยการฆ่าปลาไหลแบบนี้มันทรมานสัตว์มากๆเห็นแล้วสงสารมากๆแขวนคอทั้งๆที่ยังไม่ตาย โหดร้ายมาก
30분 살아 있는 상태로 피 빼고 이후 신경 죽이고.. 이게 스트레스 안받는 방법 인가요??
동물이나 사람이나 잔인하게 죽이는 건 그대로네..ㄷㄷ
미안한 말이지만 맛있어보인다 곰치야..
먹기 위해 만드는 요리(한 번에 죽인다) vs 돈 벌기 위해 만드는 요리(고통을 줘서 죽지 못하게 한다)
다시 봐도 고통 없이 죽이는게 아닌 것 같은데;
아니 신경을 죽이고 피 빼는게 아니라 피를 빼고 30분 걸어서 방치 하고 저래 한다고? 역시 제일 잔인한건 인간이네
Спасибо, Ютуб, теперь я не смогу есть морепродукты.
It’s pretty cruel to let it bleed while it’s brain dead then afterwards actually killing it.
雖然看起來有點恐怖 但我每天吃的肉就是這樣來的 只能感恩食物了
I really hope it tastes good.
In the First the fish Is evidently Alive; in the second half, After the torture, he Is evidently dead. Bad death.
Não basta matar pra comer o importante é torturar o bicho ao limite.
The eel can’t even feel the pain. I think this relates to a snake or a worm, when it has those after death spasms. The humans could have let it suffocate for half an hour, would you prefer that?
Essa técnica é bem cruel.
At 2:35 or so, just as the chef was about to make the first chop to sever the eel’s spinal cord from it’s head, did I hear him quietly say “Sumimasen”? (“I’m sorry”) to the eel?.
If so, that’s a very nice gesture of respect from the chef to the animal that is about to give up it’s life at his skilled hands to feed the diners in the restaurant.
Realmente não vi nenhuma estresse no animal… morte lenta e cruel..
Shouldn’t the ikejime have been performed immediately after the first cut? They’ve left it to hang for half an hour which kind of defeats the purpose, right?
잔인함의 극치를 본것같다
금치의 고통이 내게 전해지는것 같다
I didn’t even know people ate these. All I ever knew about these fish was that they are dangerous 🙂
14:21 se ve muy rico.
와 키우면 간지 터질거같은데……….이걸 먹네
Это прекрасно
Muy tradicional y todo esa cosas que según dan identidad pero no le quita la manera cruel en la que los japonense cocinas ciertos animales, me gusta la cultura japonesa pero en este tipo de practicas no concuerdo con ellos por muy tradiciones que sean.
Looks like Anaconda 😆
I wonder that how to take off all of small bones inside . Now i see. Thank u so much❤️
Todo merecemos vivir felices
немножко жаль стало мурену w
In my country indonesia this kind of eel it’s for decorative fish or ornamental eel for aquarium tank. and the price of this eel can reach $500 – $1000 dollars.
Ведь ей так больно!!!
Блин,жила себе рыба,росла,и тут так умереть….
好可怕又血腥 看完之後再也不敢吃谩魚了
회를 좋아하지만 요즘 신케지메, 이케시메 이런 방법들은 몹시 거부감이 들더 군요. 회맛도 특별한 차이도 못 느끼겠고
That Eel looked like he was already sick before he killed it anyway
4:17 and 5:18 , 30′ later and the eel still moves
No entiendo porque dejar morir tan sadicamente a un animal,eso es cruel…… pero bueno que puedo esperar de un país que vende fetos enlatados en los supermercados🤷♀️
Merry Christmas 2021 and a very happy New year 2022 in advance Hope everybody’s dream comes true and we could live happily and peacefully like before….
일본에서는 곰치요리를 많이 다룬다고 하던데, 직접 보는건 처음이네요. 한국에서는 가장 큰 어시장인 노량진에서도 곰치를 보지 못했습니다. 안잡히는게 아니라 한국에서는 요리법이 발달하지 못한 것 같아요.
These ppl deserve an award bec there is noooooo way I could do this 😰😰😰 I’m nervous now 😩😩
Looks like an extremely painful process to me, especially when he force the wire down the fish’s spine.
Пока смотрела как убивают нерв,я сама вся искривилась,ужас какой
The ancient Romans used to keep them as pets. A number of Romans seem to have really loved their pet eels. The orator Quintus Hortensius was very was very fond of the eels which he kept in the fishpond of his villa, he is reported to have wept when one of his eels died. Antonia (the daughter of Marc Antony and mother of the Emperor Claudius) is said to have fastened earrings to the pectoral fins of her favorite eel. This was probably a moray or conger eel, since they are the only eels which have pectoral fins that earrings could be attached to.
우리에게 먹히는 생물들에게 크나큰 감사를 느낀다
En verdad me causó mucha pena verlo retorcerse y uno automáticamente piensa o interpreta q está sufriendo,en la descripción dice q no q no sufre.Pero quede impactado.
Ужас, как мне жалко эту рыбу, человек самый страшный хищник
Se me puso la piel de gallina
People who think it’s still alive when he puts the wire down the spine are wrong it’s just nerves. Same thing with a person or any animal with a nervous system. You can cut the head clean off and 30 min later hit certain nerves with something and it will make the muscles tense up and move around but you are dead you don’t know and can’t feel a thing. It’s pretty amazing how the nervous system works and the skills these guys have in preparing this is incredible in itself. They make it look so simple and they don’t let much go to waste
aclaro que desconozco completamente dicha técnica de sacrificio, según lo que investigue dice que es muerte cerebral instantánea y que reduce el dolor pero no termino de entender si el animal sigue sufriendo aun después de esto… el movimiento cuando le introducen el alambre no se si sean espasmos pero lo de la garganta y lo demás no se ve como si fueran movimientos involuntarios, que no se supone que una vez destruido el cerebro ya no hay posibilidad de moverse mas que por reflejos musculares?? solo estoy preguntando si en verdad el animal deja de sufrir desde el momento que destruyen su cerebro por que a mi no me lo pareció, pero aun así si alguien sabe y me puede explicar se lo agradecería. (aclaro no estoy llorando ni criticando los métodos solo tengo curiosidad por este tema ya que quiero estudiar gastronomía y quiero saber de todo incluso como funcionan estoy métodos)
One thing I like about this culture, is they don’t waste much, if there is something eatable on the critter, they will use it.
Se isso não estressar o peixe, nem imagino o que estressaria.
Ciempre quise probar todos los tipos de animalitos del mar!! Despues d ver esto la verdad q cambie d opinion!!
Dizer que o peixe não sofreu e difícil de acreditar.
Я не понимаю зачем рыбу мучали пол часа,когда можно было сразу голову отрубить, одним ударом, и распотрошить после этого. Живую держать на крюке, затем живую же протыкать железным стрежнем (спицей) – издевательство.
13:04 I swear that sashimi was pulsating 😱
А теперь представьте, что где-то в параллельном мире нашему, также разделывают человека ради приготовления экзотического блюда!
И говорят ничего страшного это просто остаточный рефлекс!
Берегите природу и пользуйтесь ее дарами с уважением. Всем добра.
Тут свое понятие этой процедуры. Смотреть на это жутковато.Но такие деликатесы очень вкусны.)
Acho que nem tudo pode comer, acredito nisso, e esse bicho é uma delas.
Норм будет если увидеть как повара так разделывают .
i feel so sorry for that poor animal… but is delicious 🤤
Quedé loco de como seguían vivos los pedacitos 😳🔥❤️
Quedé loco de como seguían vivos los pedacitos 😳🔥❤️
Всё так мило и душевно!Красавчики! Лёгкий садомаз!
A friend of mine once tried to cook a live octopus. It took him two days because as soon as he turned the heat up, it put a tentacle out and turned the gas off !
It surprises me how calm this eels is when it is taken out of the water and gets prepared to be processed. I sometimes catch them by accident when going fishing, and usually they struggle very badly and are a nightmare to dehook.
It’s almost like the eel knows, that’s the last time he will see the tank.
this makes me appreciate my meals more. man, the work, skill, and precision it takes to prepare that eel is incredible.
this makes me appreciate my meals more. man, the work, skill, and precision it takes to prepare that eel is incredible.
Hey, if you say it’s edible, then it’s edible. To survive I’m sure I’ll be searching for whatever that’s in the ocean, too. Except, you chef, already have all the awesome ways to prepare it to make it taste delicious. That’s why I’m watching 😊!
apesar que n como enguia, fico muito boa, o chefe fez com profissionalismo, pro animal n sentir dor longa pra carne não ficar ruim, gostei do video
Хм… Я конечно прекрасно понимаю, что после удара таким топориком рыба погибла мгновенно, но как же крипово выглядят её конвульсии…
Muito top a culinária japonesa, mas eu senti medo desse peixe 😂. Me lembra cobra 🙃
this video makes my food prayer even more meaningful when i say ” thank you father and please bless the hands that prepared this food for me ” truly amazing
Amazed that this chef knows how to perform ikejime on such a huge fish.
The Moray Eel…
More often than not dangerous, but sometimes cuddly since it likes the warmth that divers give off.
Rest in peace.
어떻게가격이 저렇게 쌀 수가 있지? 대박이다…
Que destreza felicidades, ni sabía que ese pez era comestible jjj y se ve sabroso 👌
Videos like this just remind me how strange nerves are. Even if your head is practically cut open and missing, the nerves, most often in fish from what I have seen still continue to function for some time. This eel was still thrashing as the central nerve was being destroyed and then.. nothing.
This is exactly the kind of video you
end up watching when you should be sleeping😂
Se ve todo muy rico. 🎋🥙🍲
Japan is a seafood heaven. I want to take a trip there, just to go to these restaurants and eat these dishes.