Twitter : https://twitter.com/Cotsumet
We live with two asian small-clawed otters in Japan
Kotaro (male) DOB 11/10/2017
He has a scar on his tail bitten by another otter when he was baby
Hana (female) DOB 11/24/2018
Since I’m using translation fanction, my sentences might be strange,
Please correct me if I’m wrong.
Twitter : https://twitter.com/Cotsumet
Пора им уже столовые приборы выдать, уверен, что они сообразят как пользоваться ложкой и даже палочками!😆😆😆
i want an otter 🙁
What the cute scene hana and strawberry😂😂…
I guess Hana is first otter in the world to wash and make strawberry jam. 🤗💕
Hana is so stylish, like a Lady of the Manor.
Наши любимые очеровашки, умницы, чмок вас! Папе маме здоровья и всех благ!
Правильно, овощи и фрукты нужно тщательно мыть перед едой 🤭
“It covered by pesticide, i’ll wash it first!”
Котаро Молодец! Как настоящий мужчина сразу разобрался что курица вкуснее!
You’re Suppose! to wash your fruit…over and over and over…!🤣
Dad can always give his fruit to
Hana to wash for him..she does such an excellent job!!.😂
Make sure you grab the biggest strawberry first! and rinse thoroughly. Now you have strawberry flavoured otters!
Папа а что это за вкусняшка??? Хана в недоумении 🤨🤨🤨😘😘😘😘😘😘❤️🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿
Berry ‘soup’ is ‘berry’ nice! 🍓😹
New resume line: “Gourmet cook”
Perfect music! (You may want to use a placemat in the future and add those to your merchandise line 🥰🤣🥴)
Пока Хана играла с клубникой, Котаро заточил куриное филе. Потом побежал за добавкой, заглянул в миску, но там оказалась клубника. ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Чё то они химическую клубничку не очень, повалякать её по всей хате, это пожалуйста, а есть как то нет🤣🤣🤣
Both look like they were having fun especially Hana but…why would anyone want to put their food bowl on Light Beige carpet to make strawberry jam. Hmmm! Hana and Kotaro didnt mind. Lol NC, USA.
Hana pays attention to hygiene. she will be a good housewife 😂😂 nice pictures, wish you a nice weekend ☀️
На безрыбье и клубника проконает…, но рыбка- лучше, да и мыть не надо.
No matter how bad a day I’m having, these videos make me feel so much better hahaha
No no, she’s not washing the fruit, she’s making strawberry flavored water lol.
Котаро решил что мужчина должен есть мясо, а Ханочка молодец! Сначала в футбол поиграла клубникой, а потом помыла её и понесла своему другу 🤭💕❤
Hana :(Said with teenage snark and an eye roll) “Geez dad, did you even wash my strawberries first?” So cute! 🤗🦦
I don’t know if they were making Strawberry Jam, but they’re DEFINITELY making a mess!
She’s so cute! But what a mess.
Kotaro: Forget strawberries, I’ve got chicken.
Hana: Wetter is better!
Who feeds their animals on a white rug? Ohhh the Otters This is so cute. I love Hana
It’s so adorable when Hana takes off with the last strawberry and runs into the shower with it, possibly wanting to wash it in more water – all the water! Best place to dribble and juggle those aromatic little red balls. 💖
I hope Hana got her piece of chicken afterwards, too. 🙇♀️🙇♀️🙇♀️
This might be the cutest thing that has ever happened.